In both cases I avoided questions about my answer. I had a pat answer that was no longer valid, and I recognized that my identity had changed but hadn't had the time or motivation to find a more accurate response.
So, new answer: I'm a 2006 Honda Element. Atomic blue. The vehicle tends to defy classification, but generally gets lumped with SUV's.

Some things might be unpleasantly analogous to my effect on students. The unusual styling grows on one - but first impressions tend to be negative, and the suicide doors look cool but are a bit pretentious. It isn't made for off-roading but it looks like it ought to be.

I heard a funny story about the marketing of this car. Forbes mag notes that it was very intentionally created for the active 20-something market. Looking around at owner fora (forums?) the mean age seems like 43. Owners are unemployed adolescents or much older, and.... Something unexpected happened. It appealed to a different demographic more than it appealed to the demographic it was designed for.
FYI: the slogan from the Honda website = "Unorthodox: built for those who live their own unique way." I do challenge orthodoxies on a daily basis - pretty much can't help it. Real character flaw in polite society.
[photos from http://www.conceptcarz.com/vehicle/z10764/Honda-Element.aspx]
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