Much of the momentum comes from the 6 or more young men who have committed suicide in recent weeks after being bullied for their perceived orientation. At least one of the young men was straight, but peers labeled him and abused him (does/ should that matter?).
Today for a Journal Writing topic I'd like my classes to write about whether gay rights are civil rights. Why, or in what ways, are GLBT targeted? WHy do people react so strongly to homosexuality in you culture? Will there always be a scapegoat - or a socially condoned victim? Is our culture, community or school heterosexist? Issues of race get tied up with gender and sexuality all the time. I'm interested that the Root posted on wearing purple today. Why do divorce rates go up whenever/where-ever women get more rights?
What are the politics of the issue? What are the arguments for or against? For that matter, what is homosexuality? Some cultures consider it an act or behavior, for others (US) it is a fundamental question of identity.
The US Secretary of State speaks in support of an It Gets Better campaign, and the I Give a Damn campaign takes a direct approach.
And a shout out to the JCCC Queers and Allies - who meet Wednesdays at 2pm in CC212. The also have a facebook group.
Would our classes be interested in having a Speak Out panel come to class?

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